Friday, December 18, 2009

Cito's First Christmas Program

Frosty the Snowman and Jinglebell Rock...

Check it out on youtube: and

Friday, December 11, 2009

A week in Luisito's Life

Luisito was chosen as the person to take the class stuffed animal home for the week of December 7th. He was so excited. If you know Luisito well he can get weird about the camera. So we only have a few pictures of him sharing his week with Mace. He had only two requested photos for the class Journal: (1) He wanted to show Mace his favorite toys and (2) He wanted Sancho, our cat, to wear Mace's Fire Fighter Hat. We also took Mace to the Library, Tony's House, and Grocery Shopping. Luisito wanted to take him to the Zoo too. But we did not have time during the week for that. Sorry Luisito and Mace maybe next time.
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Friday, November 13, 2009


Luisito decided to try out a new costume. He spent Halloween as a Skeleton! He was thrilled to be so scary. We went to church on Friday Night to Family Fun Night! It was a spook-tacular event. Our Church provided fun carnival games, trick or treating, food, snacks, and a haunted house. Luisito is so excited to be a little older so he can help perform in the haunted house and help decorate. We had a great Family Night together…

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Ladies Man!

Luisito visited his new School Chime Elementary. He met his Buddy Natalie. She is advancing to 1st grade. She was a great buddy for Luisito. When leaving cito said, "I had a lot of fun at my new school. I really like my girlfriend." Natalie watch out for Luisito he is a ladies man!

Oh the places we will go!

I do enjoy our fun weekends. I hope that our weekends bring joy to my little man. Do you think he has fun when we spend time together? Play dates with his friends, Birthday Parties, Zoo visits, movies will he remember our time spent together? I sure hope so…

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hello Friends and Family,

I just wanted to let you all know that Luisito is fine but he did injure himself while playing at school on Friday. He was riding on a trike that has a taxicab attached. He was the passenger and fell off on a sharp turn.

I picked him up from school and took him to the doctor. He broke his right tibia bone (see picture below). The break was located towards the lower region of this bone. The tibia, or shinbone is the larger and stronger of the two bones in the leg below the knee and connects the knee with the anklebones.

The Doctor explained that the tibia bone in a person without any disability gets very little blood supply. In Luisito due to his Arthrogryposis he gets even less blood supply, due to lack of muscular tissue surrounding his bones in his right leg. The blood supply is an important issue because blood brings oxygen, which then allows for healing. The Doctor said Luisito should not walk on his leg for at least 2 weeks. He believes that Luisito should be in the cast for 3 months.

So hear are my concerns and what I ask of you all. He needs prayer probably I will need some prayer too. I am concerned about the healing of the tibia bone and I am concerned about his joints being fixed for such a long time. As all of you know Luisito has done amazing things and shown us answers to our prayers. He can walk, jump, and tries his best to keep up with his friends at school while running.

Please pray for his healing of the broken bone, that his joints will not lose any of the range that he has gained, and that he will not have to have surgery to release any tendons or muscles once they have been in this fixed position for so long. For me pray for patience, and physical strength and stamina.

Thank you & God Bless,
Diane N. Meza

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

School, Cito and Life

Not a whole lot going on here in Sunny/Rainy California. I started back to school. I am taking the second semester of Chemistry. I started a part time job, working as a physical therapy aid in January.

Luisito is working on being a better listener with his teachers. He is the sweetest son a mother could have...His teacher did tell me today something funny. She was talking to the students about presidents day. That we celebrate it to give our thanks and gratitude to our past presidents. She then asked the class if they knew any names of past presidents. Luisito said we are celebrating for Jesus. She said he was very sincere with his answer. My sweet boy!